Abbey National Treasury Services

  • C++ with Summit & Kondor+ APIs
  • Solaris 8
  • ksh, sh scripting
  • Sybase 10/12
  • NEON - adaptation of IBMs MQ Series
  • Wall Street

I worked in the Summit team. Summit is the main trading system of the bank, running on Solaris 8 OS with Sybase v10/v12 database server. Summit was written in C++ and used CORBA for its inter-process communications. Summit has a rich set of APIs.

Initially, I did a lot of overnight support to learn more about the system. I also became involved in more and more development, liaising with stakeholders. I also got involved in an upgrade to Summit. There were also project work involving system such as Kondor+ (C++, Solaris, Sybase) and Wall Street (Solaris, Oracle v8) into our teams remit.